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BMCCI активно съдейства и популяризира развитието на възможностите за инвестиции между бизнеса на Република България и Република Молдова, както и с трети страни.
The Public Property Agency announces the OUTCRY auctions for the privatization of state public property assets
Real estate, non-residential premisesNo. | The name of the entity, address | The initial exposure price (MDL) |
1. | Real estate, 0,0725 ha (land for constructions with cadastral number 0100212309), 5, Sprîncenoaia Street, Chişinău |
2 350 000,00 |
2. | Real estate, 2,0355 ha (land for constructions with cadastral number 8042208390) Vorniceni village, Străşeni district |
1 650 000,00 |
3. | Real estate, 0,9326 ha (land for constructions with cadastral number 8042208389) Vorniceni village, Străşeni district |
800 000,00 |
4. | Real estate, 3,2481 ha (land for constructions with cadastral number 1027101.697) Floreni village, Anenii Noi district |
4 200 000,00 |
5. | * Real estate, 5,342 ha (land for constructions with cadastral number 9277210.059) Zagarancea commune, Ungheni district (according to the Specifications) |
10 250 000,00 * investment obligations of 5 million EUR over a period of 3 years |
6. | Non-residential premises - 748,8 m2, cadastral number 010011715801.001, 271, M unceşti highway, Chişinău |
4 190 000,00 |
7. | Non-residential premises - 751,3 m2, cadastral number 010011715801.002, 271, M unceşti highway, Chişinău |
4 210 000,00 |
* For position no. 5, according to the Specifications, in addition to the auction price, there is an investment obligations of 5,000,000.00 EUR, which must be fulfilled within 3 years from the date of signing the sale-purchase contract.
The state public property assets are exposed to the privatization according to the Law no. 121/2007 on the administration and privatization of public property, Government Decision no. 945/2007 and Government Decision no 136/2009.
Thefollowing may participate in the auction:
a) Individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Moldova;
b) Foreign individuals and legal entities, full private, stateless persons, in accordance with the law;
c) Associations of individuals and entities mentioned in subparagraphs a) and b).
Those wishing to participate must submit , no later than December 23, 2024, at 4:00 pm, an application for participation in the form presented in Annex No. 1 to the Regulation for the outcry auction and "for a fall" auction, approved by the Government Decision No. 136/2009
The required documents must be attached to the application:
• Local legal persons - a declaration regarding the ultimate beneficiary/beneficiaries of the legal entity (as per the model in Annex No. 11 of the Regulation on Open and Decreasing Auctions), an extract from the State Register of Legal Persons, copies of the decision on the registration of the legal entity, and financial statements for the previous reporting period submitted to the Financial Situations Service, authenticated by the entity’s leader.;
• Foreign legal entities - a declaration regarding the ultimate beneficiary/beneficiaries of the legal entity (as per the model in Annex No. 11 of the Regulation on Open and Decreasing Auctions), an extract from the State Register of Legal Persons, copies of the decision on the registration of the legal entity, and financial statements for the previous reporting period, all legalized in compliance with applicable regulations.;
• physical person must present a copy of ID;
• if participating through representatives, a power of attomey issued in accordance with the procedure established by law;
• A payment document confirming the transfer of 10% of the iniţial sale price of the property being auctioned, along with the tender fee, must be submitted according to the following banking details:
account in the amount of 10%
Beneficiary: MF - TR Chişinău - state budget,
Public Property Agency;
taxcode: 1006601001090;
bank account: 2264011001;
beneficiary bank: MF - State Treasury;
IBAN code: MD32TRPCAA518410A00467AA
The name of the entity (object) should be indicated in the payment document.
tender fee
Beneficiary: MF - TR Chişinău - state budget,
Public Property Agency;
taxcode: 1006601001090;
bank account: 2264011001;
beneficiary bank: MF- State Treasury;
IBAN code: MD06TRPCAA518490C00467AA
The name of the entity (object) should be indicated in the payment document.
To participate in the auction, legal entities of the Republic of Moldova, foreign individuals and legal entities, and stateless persons must pay a participation fee of 6 000.00 lei, while individuals of the Republic of Moldova must pay 2 500.00 lei, to the account indicated above.
If a participant intends to participate in the auction for the purchase of several objects, a separate guarantee must be paid for each object. The guarantee of the auction winner will be applied toward the purchase price..
The participant who wins the auction is required to sign the protocol documenting the auction results, to pay the cost of the purchased object, to sign the contract of sale and to ensure the registration of the privatized property at the auction, in accordance with the applicable legislation.
The participant who wins an object but refuses to sign the protocol documenting the auction results will be deprived of the right to participate in future auctions for the sale of that object. In tliis case, the guarantee will not be refunded.
Within 20 days after the signing of the protocol on the results of the auction, the buyer pays the cost of the purchased object and a private tax of 1% of the value of the purchased object.
In case of non-payment of price and private tax deadline, the seller has the right to cancel the auction results by issuing an order. In tliis case, the advance payment made is not retumed.
Within 7 days after payment for the purchased object, the parties conclude the sales contract of the awarded property, which is signed by the persons authorized with tliis right from the seller's and the buyer's side.
Participants have the right to participate in the auction personally or tlirough their authorized representatives in the prescribed order; familiarize with the documents for the objects put up for auction and see the object put up for auction at the location and to withdraw the application to participate in the auction, but no later than 3 working days before the auction date, with the refund of the deposit.
Additional infonnation on the procedure for reviewing the documents of objects put up for sale and holding an auction, the Specifications (for position no. 5) can be obtained from the Public Property Agency, phone +373(22) 221-457, tel.+373(22) 234-589, email: ludmila.balan@at)t).gov.md. hiha.pavlovV7.aDD.uov.md.
The auction will take place on 24 of December 2024, 10:00 o'clock at the address: Cliisinau municipality, Vasile Alecsandri Street, 78, 4thfloor, office 402.
Министерството на енергетиката на Молдова започва тържна процедура за изграждане на вятърни паркове
Днес в БТПП постъпи информация за стартираща тържна процедура на Министерството на енергетиката на Молдова за издграждане на ВЕИ мощности. 105 MW вятърни инсталации и 60 MW фотоволтаични инсталации. Проектът се осъществява на база Решение №690/2018 на молдовското правителство. Това решение официализира насърчаването на изграждането на възобновяеми енергийни източници в страната.
60 MW фотоволтаични инсталации - параметри
Тръжната документация е приложена към това обявление, може да бъде достъпна на: https://energie.gov.md/ro/documentatia-de-licitatie или може да бъде получена при писмено искане на: solar.auctions@energie.gov.md от 16 август 2024 г.
Срок за изпълнение на проекта:
Срокът на завършване на инсталациите е 24 месеца. Ако въпросните електроцентрали не може да бъде пусната в експлоатация по основателни причини, които не се дължат на големия допустим производител, в съответствие с разпоредбите на 37, ал. 1, ал. 1 от Закона за енергията от възобновяеми източници, то този срок може да бъде удължен, уточняват от молдовска страна.
Дата на откриване на периода за подаване на заявления, технически и финансови оферти: 31 октомври 2024 г. в 00.00 ч. (EET).
Срок за подаване на заявления, технически и финансови оферти: 31 март 2025 г., 23:59 (EET).
Дата на отваряне на заявленията и оценка на допустимостта на инвеститорите: 1 април 2025 г., 09.00 ч. (EET).
Офертите се подават на следния имейл адрес: solar.auctions@energie.gov.md
Всяка кореспонденция между инвеститорите и тръжната комисия се извършва по електронна поща на: solar.auctions@energie.gov.md
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